Sunday, October 20, 2013

Halloween Costumes

*Just a reminder, any of you guys can post on here and start a topic!

Halloween costumes.  I got my kids' done this week, woo!

I know not everyone loves Halloween now, but we used to.  And I love that mom never said no to any of our costume ideas (not that I remember anyway). That's how I look at Halloween.  Sure, we could just dig around the costume boxes, but Halloween is such a fun time to make dreams come true for something the kids are really INTO  (perfect example:  Liam as Link, Liam as Ash, and this year...).

Anyway, fave Halloween costumes?  Or dream come true ones?  Or fastest/lamest ones?  Kris looks STOKED below to be Luke.  I remember being proud of his costume at the costume parade because there were a couple other Lukes, but they had on the plastic smock + mask thing - lame.  We NEVER had those.
Kirk, Kris, my friend Danielle (dressed as a greaser), Me dressed in mom's cut-down bridesmaid dress (awesome diy hack!), and baby Kari.
Classic Kari.
I totally remember that princess costume mom made, but have zero recollection of being a witch... I always felt sorry for the girls who were witches - couldn't they think of something cooler?  I remember talking mom into letting me help put dots on Kari's apple dumpling hat - and I loved it and did too many in one spot.
Kirk, Me, smug Kris, Kari (classic Kirsten?)
 Mom dyed a mop red for Kari's Raggedy Ann costume.  I think Kari wouldn't wear it, though?  Way to go all out, Mom!

My faves were probably... Pippi Longstocking, Carmen Miranda (my first real DIY costume - I came up with the fruit basket headdress thing and made it myself), and "Uhura" (or someone from Star Trek at least, I couldn't really pull of Uhura). Weird, those are all jr. high, high school.  I don't remember many from elementary school actually...
Valerie and Me 1993.  Couldn't figure out why she striped her face...
(Aaron just asked me for pictures of the Pippi costume - not sure we have any from that year as it was when Grandma Jackson died.  Mom was home for actual Halloween if I remember right, but I had to get everyone's costumes together for the ward party and do my crazy braids/spray them.  I remember Kari was Dorothy that year and I french braided her hair in the car on the way.)


  1. i was never really into halloween. even as a kid. i remember being little red riding hood (my personal favorite), jasmine (made by mom with added modesty panel in the top), and then a byu cheerleader for the next three years. after that, i just wasn't into halloween and i would just dress up as a little kid/baby so i could wear pajamas to school.
    now that i'm an elementary school teacher, i'm having a really hard time coming up with a cool costume. i'm thinking of borrowing my old red riding hood cloak and being her for halloween. if that doesn't work out, i guess i could always be a byu cheerleader ;).

  2. That jasmine costume was awesome. The top was just longer, looked much better than having a 'modesty panel'. You should post a photo. I hated being the same thing more than once. I did for Carmen Miranda, because we moved, so no one knew.

  3. My ipad just freaked, couldn't finish comment. Getting a big red cloak and being an adult, non-slutty red riding hood is a great idea. Or come up with a cool hog warts prof costume.

  4. I love seeing all the picture you have, Kirsten, because some of them I feel like I've never even seen! Thanks for posting them. I'll have to think of some post ideas, but it's less fun not have my pictures out here with me.
    I always loved Halloween during elementary school because I loved dressing up and doing parades and eating treats and only doing, like, word finds all day. And I really loved trick-or-treating SO MUCH. I remember feeling really cool when I graduated from using a bucket sort of thing for candy to a pillow case like the older sibs. And I remember there being like an inventory check / bartering time after everyone got back. I was always disappointed to see "Mary Janes." Remember those? I was sick for Halloween in Kindergarten and you guys had to tithe me some of your candy haul, haha!

    1. For some reason, mom gave me all 'my' growing up photos when I was in HS or college. She didn't want to look at them anymore, I figure. ;). And I have more that I took than you guys, prob.

  5. Excuse the typos in the above comment...I did wear the Raggedy Anne wig. I have pictures of me wearing it, but I have been known to be picky about things. Is that mop still in the costume box? I feel like it was there for forever.

    Also: remember how Kris was a hobo ALMOST EVERY YEAR?

  6. I wasn't always a hobo. My best costume was a robot. I wore a box painted silver. Mom cut holes (for buttons, sensors, etc), put colored tissue paper over them, and taped flashlights to the inside shining out the tissue paper. It looked cool and I had a lot of compliments. I also remember being a witch once when I was older.

    1. I totally remember that robot! There were those rectangle flashlights in it! Billerica? Some people thought you were the tin man. Dumb people, apparently.
